So one of the things that I try and keep up with is a life outline of the major and some not so major things. It’s an excel spreadsheet with years across the top and dates down the side and I’m able to put anything I want to remember when it happened in it. I started it as a way to date my old film printed pictures, but It’s turned into a little bit of a legacy project.
It’s been helpful to me for a lot of reasons, so I think you might find it helpful as well. Here are some of the reasons you should start a life outline:
- It’s quicker than journaling
- you don’t run out of space
- It’s easy to search
- You can figure out when those pictures were really taken
- It show’s you have far you’ve come
- You can remember major moments or just special moments of your life at a glance.
- It’s something to leave you kids one day
- It helps you see how the bad and good work to make you better
- Helps with gratitude
Sounds pretty good right? And it’s easy. Here’s what I do for mine.
Once a month I put in anything I remember as significant in the right day and month. Sometimes I’ll link to a folder of pictures, or something like that, but mostly it’s a sentence or even a couple words of what happened. I have things like starting college, first job, last day of a job, and my wedding on there. I also have things like 9/11, COVID shutdowns, and other news worth things I’ve lived through. Really it’s up to you what’s worth putting on there, but as you fill in the past, it reminds you not only have you been through a lot to get here, but you can make it through what every comes next to see your dreams happen.
So I recommend you give it a try. Even if you don’t do it as extensively as I have, take a minute and map out the major moments of your life just to get perspective on where you have been and how much closer you are to where you’re going.

Don’t forget to sign-up for my newsletter and get the Life Outline Template. And easy way to start keeping track of the major moments of your life.