Do you ever have those moments when you are so excited for a day because you’re going to knock out all your to-dos and then you get the worst night of sleep ever?
Yeah, that was me last night.
I woke up with zero motivation or energy. I felt like I woke up every hour. I just couldn’t get comfortable.
So today I’m giving myself grace.
No, I’m not knocking out everything I wanted to. But I’m getting more done than I thought I would today. Which means it’s not my best, but it’s definently not my worst day of productivity.
Sometimes in order to find harmony between all the parts of our life, we have to give ourselves a little grace that we’re human. We’re going to have bad days and bad nights. We’re going to phone it in from time to time and then we’re going to knock it out of the park other times.
So today’s challenge is: Where do you need to give yourself a little grace? Where do you need to take a step back and say, “I’m doing my best today.” And that’s what matters.
Push yourself, but don’t break yourself.