So the last few months have been havoc on my routines. Living in an apartment and then moving, then vacation, then all the other things that pop up, it’s been a while since I really felt ahead of the game. So September feels like the month to amp up my productivity and restart my Wake up routine. This probably means waking up closer to 5 than 6, which is not my favorite thing in the world, but I know it’s going to be good for me. So below is my list of things to get done before I leave the house. Which will probably chance in the next 6-8 months or whenever we get our first placement. *Sigh* the ever-evolving “problems” of life.
So here are some things to consider when making your morning routine.
- What will help you be more productive in the evening?
- What are my goals in life?
- How much time do I have in the morning?
So for you reading may not be a priority ever or you may not have enough laundry for a load a day. But figure out what will help you be successful and decide what order is best to accomplish everything, then write it down. Don’t feel like you can’t tweak as you go, figure out what works best for you then stick to it. A wake-up routine is supposed to help you feel more successful, not cause more stress.

Don’t forget to pin this list for later, and check out this Pinterest board for more ideas.