
On to the next step

So we have finished all our classes and turned in our application. We got the call from our caseworker with the agency and have a meeting set up for the Friday after labor day to talk about home study, interviews, and other paperwork. I know we’ll have to have a CPR/first aid class, so I’m starting to see what fits in our schedule. We’re at our 6-month countdown for licensing which means by February we’ll be waiting for kids, but it can also be sooner depending on how many people are in process at this moment. And I’m feeling like it might be sooner.

Right now we’re focusing on just having that last bit of fun, just the two of us, before life changes, but we’re also excited about all the family fun moments to come. The house is coming along. We now have stairs off the back of the house and patio furniture in the back yard. I’ve bought curtains for the kid’s rooms, and most of the main spaces are orderly. We still have boxes in the basement and one of the kid rooms that we’re slowly widdling away at, but it’s all coming together.

It’s still strange to think that next year everything will be different, but exciting too.

Till the next step in our adventure.

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