Foster care means we have to be ready for a variety of ages at a moment’s notice. We’re also crazy enough that we’re taking more than one at a time. So part of Foster Kid Prep is having enough on hand that you can function for a day or two while you wait for Amazon to deliver. So my plan is to have the basic needs would apply no matter what age kid we get. Then I have an amazon list of needs/wants to be based on age breakdowns. So when we get a placement, we do one-day shipping and we’re good to go.
Today though, I’m showing you 5 things I want before the kids get here.
1. Twin Bed frame: I like the idea of not needing a box spring so it keeps the bed shorter for kids to get up but still leaves room for some storage. Check it out on amazon.
2. Night Light stars and oceans: I love this because I was thinking about doing a star and ocean theme in the kids rooms, so this would be perfect for both and give them some light if they need it. You can check it out here.
I will also be buying some normal nightlights for hallways or if the movement is too much for the kids. Something like this.
3. Matress Cover: waterproof and Bedbug Safe: You never know what kind of environment the kids are coming from. Not to mention bed wetting. Better safe than sorry. We already have one on our bed, although, not the box springs. Might be checking into that. Click here for all sizes.
4. Bedsheets: Amazon seems to have some pretty good prices on basic bedsheets, so unless I can find some clearance options these are probably what I will get. I was recommended to have plenty of sheets so you don’t have to wash anything in the middle of the night. There are several styles for girls and boys. Check them out here.
5. Car Seat: This might be the most confusing part of parenting so far. Figuring out what car seats go with which bases go with which strollers at a price that isn’t the same as my car took way to many hours. So I decided we’re going with this system. The base is attached so we would have to get an infant carrier or borrow one if we get a young one, but this will at least get any kid to where we need to go. Worse case I’ll just have to wear the little until we find another option. We’re getting the Annabelle version, which is darker colors, because kids. Check them out here.
So obviously kids need more than this, but we’re starting slow and going to have what we need to survive to start. I’m working on amazon lists based on kid ages (which I’ll share in a couple weeks) so when we get a placement I can one-day whatever else we will need. But that will also help older kids make some of it their own.
While you’re here, check out my kid posters. Still trying to decide which ones I want up in the kid’s rooms. Or if I’ll design some new ones.
Links are amazon affiliate links meaning at no extra charge to you I get a small commission.