I hated the sound of work-life balance. It sounds like something that I will always fail at, or at least only manage to be successful at 20% of the time. But Harmony, I can get down with having harmony with my work/life/family circles. When there is harmony, it’s not about sectioning things out and drawing lines and saying you can’t come into my square.
Rather with Harmony, it’s about knowing when it’s ok for things to bleed into others and when something needs to take center stage in order for you to be your best you living your best life.
So yes, there are nights I have to work late, but then I leave early on other days to give harmony to my kids and husband in my life. And there are days where I let the housework go so that I can spend some time making me a better me (aka, writing this blog) and setting up a future that I will be excited to step into.
So it’s not about cleaning letting time blocks on my calendar (even though I believe in time blocking) but it’s about knowing life is grey, or better yet, life’s a rainbow. Gray is too boring. When you look at a rainbow in the sky, you can see distinct colors, but you also can’t quite tell where one ends and one begins, and sometimes that indigo is hard to find at all.
That’s life. It’s not hard lines but just making sure you have all the pieces and they fit together into something beautiful.
What are the things that make your life beautiful? What are the important things that need to have a place and space in your future? Know that is the first step in creating harmony. If you don’t know what’s most important to you, everything has equal importance and that just gives you sour notes and a gray sky.
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