I’ve got to be honest. This has always been the hardest one for me. Keeping spaces and places organized and put together always winds up on the bottom of my list. There always seems to be a better way to use my time, or I think I’ll do it later. Always a bad habit to get into, but that’s a talk for another time. From the time I was a kid, the room was a mess. Nowadays, I go through cycles, but it never feels like all my spaces are organized at the same time.
It’s really an energy suck, especially when you’re trying to find an abundant life. The weight of chaos and clutter is never something that helps anyone.
But I can get away with it a lot of times because I can still find what I need. I’m not so bad that I can never find anything, although it’s become more difficult since getting married and having kids. So I can let things go and leave files out or make a stack of the same things and I’ll find a home for it later.
Later never comes. You’ll see that’s a theme of searching for an abundant life. If you want an abundant life, you can’t leave things for later, or you waste the time you have. Later needs to be the future you want not that past you avoided.
So Organization makes you do it now and not keep pushing it forward. It also makes you spend less time on remembering, or combing, or searching, or restacking, or whatever your current system is.
And that goes for your digital world too. How I wish past Shannan had organized all her photos by date and event when she first started taking pics. Memories would be so much easier. But alas, she did not think about the future, she thought about how easy it was in that moment, which made it more difficult in the future.
So maybe some of you are pros in this area, but not in others. Great. Share your wisdom with me below. For all of you that struggle with this area right alongside me, my challenge is to clean up your desk right now, or table if that’s where you’re at. Because unless you’re blessed with a husband or roommate that picks up after you (and to be honest, my husband cleans up after me more than I want to admit, or even want him to do) your workspace is looking a little cluttered right now. I’m stopping to pick up mine, you do yours, and I’ll see you in the next post.

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