Self-care is all the rage right now, and I don’t see that as a bad thing. Anything that is done in excess can be bad, but usually, something becomes a focus because it was ignored for too long.
I struggle with self-care. Not necessarily because of the typical issues like time and money, but because what makes me feel rested can change on a daily basis.
What I’m starting to discover is it’s about recentering myself and finding my peace and calm in and after the storms of life. You have to find the things that make you feel grounding in life so that even when things get hectic, you don’t feel tossed around like a trash bag?
My daily devotion and meditation time is big, not that I do it as consistently as I should. Find quite space by myself is another key part, but so is being with people. Really it’s about figuring out how to create an be and flow of life so that you don’t drain your needs in one area for the needs in another area.
I find having reminders around to find that space to recenter and find your calm is good. I know I’m a very sight out of mind kind of person, so if I have simple reminders to center myself and find my calm, it helps. So my calm series came out of this. Whether you would prefer your reminders as a poster, sticker, or bookmark, or maybe want to send a reminder to someone on a card.