Fall is my favorite time of year. It’s just such a cozy season, and in my opinion, it doesn’t last long. Unfortunately, some of my favorite fall activities aren’t possible because of “the COVID.” So Here’s my Fall Bucket List for 2020 and hopefully, I can get my festivals back next year.
Visit a Corn Maze
I loved corn mazes growing up. We always went to one called Tom’s maze and it had puzzle pieces you had to find to get the map for your way out. Right now, Tom’s is going to be open for the year so hopefully, it stays that way because I can’t wait to take my kids. Although we might have to find one a little closer to us.
Visit a Pumpkin Patch
Now that we have kids, I can’t wait to pick it some pumpkins and care them up, plus going to a patch sorts local which is something we love to do. I’m guessing I can find one that’s open this year, but we’ll see what it looks like when we get closer to October.
Go for a Hike
A nice crisp hike when the leaves change is good for the soul. Lace up those boots and head out. This is one COVID can’t kill.
Go Apple Picking
I try to help my kids see where their food comes from as much as possible. We didn’t do a garden this year, but the neighbor has a community one so they can see different tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini. Apple picking is just another part of the process to the applesauce they love.
Go on a Hay Ride
I think there’s been talk in our neighborhood of someone loading some hay on a tractor and going through the streets, but if it’s not in the works, I’m sure I can make some arrangements.
Go Tailgating
Even if it’s in your driveway with a couple of friends. Pull out a projector and enjoy some fall fun in the outdoors. I’m not a sports person, but I’m always down for some food.
Go to a Trunk-or-Treat
Our church has re-imagined a lot of our events to be drive-thrus, I’m sure there will be some drive-thru trunk-or-treats we can take the kids to.
Make a Fall Door Hanger
Here are some of my favorites I’m thinking about making this year. It’s been a while since I’ve switched my door decor, so it’s time. You can click here to see my outside fall decor board on Pinterest.
Make a Halloween Costume
Making my own Halloween costume is one of the great memories that I have as a kid. Anytime I make a costume, even as an adult, I’m making my own costume. I just love the creative process and knowing that no one else will have the same costume as mine. Check out some of my favorite ideas on Pinterest.
Gratitude List
I am a thankful person, but I don’t sit down as much as I should and focus on the things I’m grateful for. So if you’re like me and need extra help to focus on what you’re grateful for, sign-up for my newsletter to get my free 30 days of thankful printables.
Pinecone Bird Feeders
Find some pine cones, add a little peanut butter, roll it around in birdseed and hang them outside your window to enjoy the birds before they head out for the winter.
Apple Pie
So I’m weird. I love making apple pie, don’t like eating it. I’m not a fan of most fruit pies, I think it’s something about the texture. But making an apple pie from scratch is super fun.
Pumpkin Pie
I probably make around 5 pumpkin pies minimum every fall. That’s what my dad wants for his October birthday and I usually bring a couple to all my thanksgiving dinners. I think the best way to do a Pumpkin pie is to mix you own spice instead of the pre-made spice mix. you can start with even parts nutmeg, clove, and cinnamon then adjust as you go.
Hot Apple Cider
Usually, I buy just a gallon of cider from a farmer’s market and warm it up, but if I feel fancy, I’ll add some cinnamon sticks and cloves to spice it up a bit more. Some people like orange in their’s, but I think all citrus, other than lime, is the worst.
I don’t know why it took me becoming an adult to start thinking outside the traditional s’more box. One of my fav s’more remixes is to use a Reese cup, but Mounds are good too. There is also the s’more cone of plenty where you stuff a waffle cone with chocolate, marshmallows, and other goodness then wrap in foil and melt together in the fire.
I know there’s a lot of discussion as to what makes a good chili, but I’ve found one of the keys to a good chili is to saute the onions with your meat. If you like peppers, saute those too. Adds more flavor through the whole chili.
Zucchini Bread
You could do pumpkin bread if you’re not a zucchini fan, but really the zucchini doesn’t add a flavor, just moisture. Zucchini bread has been a family favorite for us since I was little, mostly because our garden always produced crazy amounts of Zucchini. If you want it extra-delish, serve it warm with homemade butter.
Jump in Leaves
This one harder for us because we’re in a new neighborhood and have almost zero trees but we’re going to see what we can do.
Watch a Fall Movie
There are a few Halloween movies that are must-watch for me, then there are the ones that are good if I have time. My must-watch movies are Hocus Pocus, at least Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and The Goonies. This year I want to rewatch The Halloween Tree. I watched it a couple of years in a row when I was mid-elementary age on the Halloween Saturday morning line-up, but then it disappeared and I couldn’t remember the name of it till I just looked it up. I loved it, it was basically a look at the traditions around Halloween, from what I remember. But who knows, that was many moons ago, but It’s worth a visit down memory lane. You can get the Fall Movie List by signing up for my newsletter below.

Read a Spooky Story
When I was in 4th-ish grade I was obsessed with the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Books. I don’t think my mom was thrilled, but I loved the creepy without a full scare.
Carve a Pumpkin
This is one of my personal less favorite fall activities, but, I have kids, so it’s going to be fun to see them carving and making their own pumpkins. Plus, you get pumpkin seeds.
Decorate the House for Fall
My husband enjoys decorating for the seasons more than me (except for Christmas,) but I figure if we’re going to do it, I’m going to make sure I like the vibe. Check out my board of DIY Fall decor. And you can check out this post on my 10 favorite fall decor.
Learn to Knit a Scarf
My grandma taught me to knit when I was younger. She was a fantastic knitter. I never made it near her level, but I can knit a scarf and blankets because they require nothing more than knowing how to knit. Give it a try and make yourself something chunky. Or you can always try arm knitting.
Donate for Socktober
Socktober was started in the kid president days. If you don’t know who that is, check out my favorite video. But they wanted to do something for the homeless and found out that socks were a huge need. So they started sock-tober for awareness. Check it out here.
Rake and Run
If you’re looking for a way to help in your neighborhood, a little old fashion rake and run is always a good idea. Just rake up a yard that looks like they could use some help, don’t forget the trash bags so you can bag them, then leave without a trace.
What do you think?
So that’s my COVID can’t stop me Fall Bucket List 2020. Anything you’re doing this season that’s not on the list?
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