Start your party off right with the Navy Blush Ring Game. Have all your guests get a ring on their way into the party. If they hear someone say, Bride, collect all of that guest’s rings. The winner has the most rings at the end.

A Weird Soul
Start your party off right with the Navy Blush Ring Game. Have all your guests get a ring on their way into the party. If they hear someone say, Bride, collect all of that guest’s rings. The winner has the most rings at the end.
Start your party off right with The Necklace Game Navy Blush Theme. Have all your guests get a necklace on their way into the party. If they hear someone say Wedding, collect all of that guest’s Necklaces. The winner has the most Necklaces at the end.
Find out who knows the Bride best with the Would She Rather Navy Blush Bridal Shower Game. The guest with the most correct wins.
How well do your guests know the bride and groom? Find out with the He Said She Said Navy Blush Game. Ask the happy couple questions ahead of time and see who gets the most questions right.
Add some fun to the Bridal shower with the What’s On Your Phone Navy Blush Bridal Shower Game. Everyone examines there phone and scores their points. The person with the most points wins.
Use the How Many Kisses Navy Blush guessing game to get the party started. Load up a clear container with Hershey kisses and see how well your guests can guess the number. Closest without going over wins. This printable comes with a Sign and matching guessing cards to help keep them going through the whole …
When I planned my sister’s bridal shower, What’s in Your purse was a must play. She did it at mine, and it was equally loads of fun. You just never know what everyone is carrying around in their purse, and can’t help but laugh at the things that aren’t even on the list. I so …
If you’re planning a bridal shower for a TV lover, this might be the perfect game. Use the Navy Blush TV Couple matching game to find out how well your guests know their tv couples. Couples are listed on one side and TV shows on the others. Options are from a variety of shows both …
Let’s look at Love in the movies with the Navy Blush Movie Couple Matching Bridal Shower Game. See who knows their couples the best. You can either time your guests, or stop with the first one done. The guest who correctly matches the most couples to their movie wins.
Use this Address and Envelope marble and Gold Sign Help the Bride-to-Be out by having guests add their address to envelopes for the thank you notes to come. You can get a set of matching note cards here or print them yourself here.