Self-improvement and Self Care should be on everyone’s list, although in some ways it’s not required to improve parts of your future. But if you don’t work on yourself there’s no guarantee you’ll appreciate your future, like who you become, or have anyone to share it with when you get there. So work on becoming a better you.
But what does that mean?
Who do you want to be when you grow up? Not who’s life do you want when you grow up, but who do you want to be. Most of us, I would hope don’t want to be Hitler, I wonder if Hitler really wanted to be that in his younger years. But if we don’t focus on the things that will make us the person we want to grow into, we can get restricted by all the goals and things we want to accomplish and forget to also work on being a good person with a legacy we can be proud of.
So that means you need to work on your emotions, your mental health, and your reactions to things. You need to work on your relationships, and the things that bring you joy. You need to find the harmony of life that keeps you from constantly feeling like a failure and rather know you’re doing your best and making adjustments as you go.
So where do you start?
Well, ask youreself some questions:
What’s something you’re struggling with personally?
Currently, I’m working on being present with people. When I get focused on a new task it can consume me and I forget to be present with the people I care about or to even check in with them ( I need to call my Mamaw.) For probably the first 25 years of my life, Anger was the big area of improvement for me. I am positive I am more self-controlled now than I was in my early year. Probably still have room for improvement, but I’m proud of the ways I’ve improved with controlling my emotions.
What’s something about yourself you want to work on improving?
I’d like to improve my health and my spiritual walk. With both of them I feel good enough, but not really great. I’m not failing totally in both areas, but I’m not as flexible as I would like to be and I’m not as consistent with my devotionals as I would like.
What is a part of you that is too much or maybe not enough of what you would like it to be?
I’ve realized in the last 5ish years that I’m not a person that praises a lot. I mostly assume you know if you’re doing a good job or not. I shouldn’t have to tell you. This isn’t the best thing both in work and family life. My husband thrives on praise. I know my kids do too, and I know it would be beneficial for me to be more forthcoming with encouragement and praise at work.
What will help you turn into the person that you would like to grow into?
I need to keep accountability in my life. My going rate is be better than average and once I hit that mark, I coast. But I don’t want to be better than average, I want to be my best. So I need to keep accountability in my life.
Take time to answer these questions. You can sign up for the newsletter to get access to the free printable journal pages that give you space to reflect on these and figure out where you need to improve next. Remember, becoming the better you isn’t a checkmark, it’s a journey through life.