I don’t even think I remember most of the month of November, so this may be a challenge but here are my top three:
1) I joined in with NaNoWriMo this year. I haven’t done this officially since 2009, but I decided to give it a go this year. Two days into it, I trashed half of my outline and went a completely different direction, which slowed me down a bit on the front end. But I’m stubborn and hate to loose, so I buckled down. My best day was over 5,000 words. But the best part is #iwin. I did it. 50,000 words, and honestly, I might be just over halfway done with the book. *sigh.* I’ll be writing a little slower now, but I’ve got a pretty good start.
2) I also went o see Ingrid Michelson in Concert! This was a huge bucket list moment for me. I’ve loved her since, forever. I think I found something from her first album back in the days of Napster and I’ve been a paying fan ever since So when I finally lived in a city she was preforming in and it was a day I could attend, I was super stoked. I think I got to hear all of my favorite songs (which wasn’t hard, because they are all my favorite.) But some of the best of the best were You and I, Giving Up, Girls Chase Boys, Parachute (which she forgot the lyrics too and did a impromptu rap in the middle of with the words Monster Mash thrown in there,) and Time Machine. The only two songs I wish she would have done is In The Sea and “untitled” which was a bonus song on one of her albums.
3) Mockingjay “midnight” showing (I saw it at 8:00p the day before. Yeah, that’s a thing now.) It was sooooooo good. This is in my top three book to silver-screen movies, with Sorcerers Stone being first and BBC Pride and Prejudice being second. It just gave you all the feels and then some. If you want to see all my thoughts check out my verses post.
So my month was fun and a little crazy. I felt like I didn’t do a good job keeping up with reading, but that’s what happens when you write 50,000 words in a month. Below is the bookish recap of the month
Pride and Prejudice Manga adaptation
Pride and Prejudice Manga Adaptation
Gathering Blue
Grimm Legecy
The Book With No Pictures
City of Light City of Dark
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