- St. Patty’s Day- My sister and I decided to find a Cincinnati Pub for St. Patty’s Day. And since Claddagh is not what it used to be (the took away all the good desserts,) we decided to try out Molly Malone’s. She really wanted fish and chips, which she loved. I went with the veggie burger and fries. We loved the place, especially because they had some live Irish music playing while we were there.
- Work got crazy- I knew this month would be crazy since this was the month of our capital campaign. Space is nonexistent right now, so it’s time to build. We’ll find out in three weeks what the total of all the commitments were, but I’m positive that it is what we need it to be. And then this fall we’ll break ground.
- Vacation- One of my friends from where I used to live had an Art Conference in New Orleans, so Myself and another friend piled into the car with her and spent the week walking around the french quarter. I must say, I liked it a whole lot more than I thought I would, but that’s because I didn’t realize how much art and music exist in New Orleans. We enjoyed all the galleries and jazz music, plus, the food is pretty good.
A Thousand Pieces of You
Manga classics: The Scarlet Letter
The Girl of Fire and Thorns
Cruel Beauty
the Love Curse of the Raumbaughs
The Scavengers
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