Some lists are better digital. Not only can you get recommendations for things that fit your interests or style, but you also don’t have to keep rewriting paper lists when something changes. So here are 5 list apps that help keep me more organized than paper.
Instead of having a never-ending paper list of movies I want to watch, I use IMDB for movies and TV shows. Plus you can make different lists based on mood, genre, or move/TV so you always have the next thing you want to watch on deck.
2. Goodreads
This holds all my book lists. Whether it to-read, read, or own, I keep all my books in Goodreads and find a lot of my next TBRs through reviews or recommendations here.
3. Amazon
Even if I don’t plan on buying it on Amazon, I still put it on a list. It makes it easy to price compare or move it to a Christmas list when time.
4. Pinterest
If it can’t be found on amazon, I pin it. So if it’s Etsy, or a homemade site, or something like grommet or Kickstarter, I pin it. I know a lot of these places have list-making options, but I want to minimize the number of places I have to go to figure out what I was looking for or the perfect gift for someone.
5. Kroger/Keep
So our main grocery store around here is Kroger. I recently started using their pick up service and I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner. If it’s something I get from Kroger when I run out or get low, I just put it on my list, and at the end of the week, I order everything. If you don’t have a Kroger, I bet you have a grocery store that does pick up, especially since COVID. You should give it a try, and see how much time it saves.
For all our other groceries, we use google keep, and at the top is a link to our google shopping list. Sometimes it’s easier to tell google to add something to a shopping list when I’m cooking, so at least it isn’t forgotten.
So what list apps make staying organized easier for you? Any that I have to try out? Let me know in the notes.

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