Most of us have clutter spots. Even the friends I have that are great at organization and tidiness have spaces that just get away from them and one day they realize, “I need to deal with this mess.” So here are four places that are quick and obvious that you can declutter right now.
1. Your Desk:
If you haven’t done it recently, tidy up your desk. File your papers, put your pens back, and throw away the notes that don’t matter anymore. Don’t forget to dust or wipe things down, even if it means using a napkin or tissue.
2. Your Junk Drawer:
Wherever that drawer is, get a couple of little organizers from dollar tree, go through everything. Toss the trash and things you’ll never use, add a couple of labels, and your good to go for at least 6 months. Of course, that depends on how many people are in your house. The more people, the more often you have to re tidy is my experience.
If you’re wondering what kind of drawer organizers to get, these are by far my favorite, and they are amazing quality for dollar tree. If you need to organize more than one drawer, go ahead and buy the bulk, you won’t be disappointed. Small | Med | Large
3. That Pile of Later Stuff:
Unless you are one person that natural excels at organization, you probably have a pile of “later” things. Stuff that needs filing or dealt with, but there’s no timeline to it. Go through it, or if it’s a bit of a beast, put on your calendar when you’re going to deal with it.
4. Your Car:
I’m not talking about a full cleaning, but take an IKEA bag out with you and toss everything into it that doesn’t belong then walk it inside and sort everything out for pitch or put away. If you have kids, make piles for them to take care of, because it’s their things. My two year old knows how to put away her things, doesn’t always want to, but she knows how.
So what do you think? These are my 4 places that usually need a rotating touch up on the regular. What are you areas? Do you have a method to your madness or just live with the chaos?